- Oscar Wilde
The smallest
is worth more
than the
grandest intention.

Samvedana Trust is a catalyst for sustainable impact in the area of nutrition, education, and skill building amongst the underprivileged considering the family as a unit and inclusions at the core.
With a committed passion for children and a belief that education empowers, Samvedana reaches out to the economically weaker section of society. Samvedana is founded as a registered charitable trust in 2003.
We have evolved over the years deriving learnings about the needs of the development sector by working at the grassroots level and with the ones at the bottom of the pyramid. We are committed to nation building.
Initiated with 30 children, passionately leading our interventions in communities, we are happy to have reached out to more than 300,000 beneficiaries, having created a meaningful and sustainable ecosystem with all stakeholders.

With a 360 degree approach towards integrated development of the vulnerable communities, Samvedana works under the heads of the following initiatives-
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high into that heaven
of freedom. My father, let my country awake.
- Rabindranath Tagore