
As an organization Samvedana strongly believes that education is a critical requisite for socio-economic change which can be brought by the philosophy of inclusions and empowering the underprivileged children. That is the reason why at Samvedana we encourage volunteers from the privileged class to interact with our children. Our journey of Happeee Together.
It has through the years evolved itself as a platform for getting the two faces of India together, the privileged and the underprivileged. The vision of Happeee is to create a platform to explore their potentials, to get exposure to the world they live in, to instil leadership qualities in them and reinvent the joys of childhood.
This platform creates opportunities to serve all. To experience within a space of genuine love and goodwill for others and see how that affects us personally. It is an experiment to help us recognize one’s true human nature and symbiotic living with others. Happeee Together is all about loving, caring, sharing and service. It is about the sensitized youth who wants to contribute towards the betterment of our society.
Although many questions still remain, we have learned that the power of love can heal, transform, and traverse all barriers. We have learned that the greatest journey is the one that leads to the heart!
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Volunteering at Samvedana,
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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

- Margaret Mead